- Mindful Minute
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- Building Mental Fitness
Building Mental Fitness
This is the mindful minute: your mental health cheat sheet.The newsletter that touches your soul faster than that first sip of coffee in the morning.
What you'll learn in < 60 seconds today 👇
Why PQ Matters More than IQ and EQ
How to measure your Mental Fitness
Things that cost you more than you think
4 Ways to Conquer Impostor Syndrome
💡Resources we love this week
Positive Intelligence Determines Your Potential
PQ is potentially the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential.
While IQ and EQ contribute to our maximum potential, it is PQ that determines how much of that potential we actually achieve.
So WTF is PQ?
Positive Intelligence Quotient (PQ) is the measure of your mental fitness.
Mental fitness is our capacity to respond to life's challenges with apositivemindset, rather than anegativeone.
When your mind is on your side, you flourish. When your mind works against you, you flounder.
Your PQ is the relative strength of these two modes of your mind.
PQ is the amount of time your mind spends serving youas opposed tosabotaging you.
Measuring your mental fitness
You can take this assessment to find out your PQ score.
If it's 75 or higher, then your mind is on your side 75% of the time and in self-sabotage mode 25% of the time.
Luckily, PQ is a skill you can build.
Building mental fitness require's doing "PQ reps" to strengthen your mental muscles.
You do a PQ rep by shifting your focus to your body and any of your five senses for ten seconds.
The goal is to develop an alert, calm and better balanced mindset.
Check out these free PQ gym audio sessions to help practice them.
PQ Gym Audio: 5 min
PQ Gym Audio: 15 min
Use Your Limited Time Wisely
Take stock of what's giving you energy (personal development) vs. taking it away (mainstream news).
Everything has a price! But some things have a much higher price than others.
Things that cost you more than you think:
Packaged food
Scrolling social media
Negative relationships
Things that provide more value than you think:
A tech detox
Cold showers
Eating more protein
Getting your thoughts to paper
Most of the time the ‘easy’ route has the harshest consequences.
😂 MOW (Meme of the week)
🗳 Post of the week
🤏 A Tiny Thought
"We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are."- Anais Nin
That's a wrap for today. Thanks for reading!
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